The Inflation Reduction Act will not only make a lasting impact on clean energy, it’s also going to make the United States a leader in the clean energy sector. Join us on November 15, 2023 along with our partner, Enerlogics Networks Inc. as we take a deeper dive. Scott Ameduri, president and co-founder, will lead the presentation and give us a status update in this next episode of our energy savings webinar series.
As a review and as posted on Enerlogic’s news page, “the $369 billion in climate and energy funding [signed into law in August of 2022] isn’t just the biggest-ever U.S. investment in combatting climate change. It also promises to deliver for the first time a comprehensive U.S. clean energy industrial policy — a plan to transform the country from a laggard to a leader in making the technologies vital to combating climate change.”
And, according to the National Environmental Defense Fund, it’s only been “a year since the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law, [and] this historic climate legislation has already led to $278 billion in private investment that will support more than 170,000 clean energy jobs across the country.
Truly, we are finally leaping into the modernizations that will continuously and cleanly fuel our communities. There’s been a growing need for electrifying transportation and building systems, and we will eventually be more adept at meeting the increasing demand for power. We could see the impact on clean energy through the IRA’s efforts by 2050. How’s that for an impact on clean energy?
Thanks to those who joined us on November 15, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. EST.
Watch the replay now or download the slides for review.