Powering the Grid Transition with Linear Generators
Linear generators can switch between various types of fuels, including biogas, ammonia, and hydrogen. The potential is a decarbonized power system.
Linear generators can switch between various types of fuels, including biogas, ammonia, and hydrogen. The potential is a decarbonized power system.
Join us and Don Wingate, V.P. of Utility & Microgrid Solutions, for their first official webinar on the topic to the public on Thursday, June 22 at 11:30 a.m. EST.
McKinsey estimates over $95B of EV charging investment through 2030 to provide over 1.2M new public charging locations. According to Enerlogics’ President and Co-founder, Scott Ameduri, “EV Charging can have a significant impact on both consumption and demand, with corresponding cost impacts to the host facility.”